Once I uploaded this photo on my Facebook album, my friend from Taiwan asked “Where in the world? Is that Cambodia?” what do you think where it is? Oh come on this is Indonesia, my country. If you across East Java in Indonesia I recommend you to drop by at this place, Trowulan in Mojokerto Regency. Since this place one of the UNESCO World Heritage lists, even in the Tentative List but still worth to visit. Mostly people come to East Java will visit the amazing mount Bromo in Probolinggo, yeah Mt. Bromo is the highlighted East Java tourism and internationally well known among travelers and backpackers. Or Ijen crater in Bondowoso, and Malang city for East Java escape.
Trowulan as missing agenda has important historical for this nation. In this village you can find an archaeological site from former Majapahit Empire, total approximately of this ancient site about 100 square kilometers surrounding the village. For further information about this history you can read on this Wikipedia page.
I’ve been here many times and I have favorite route, and I draw you a map.
I always start the tour in the early morning from Maha Vihara Majapahit, it’s a Buddhist temple with big sleeping Buddha. This place is not part of the Majapahit Empire, however still worth to visit, since this place is located at the same place (Trowulan).
Big Sleeping Buddha
After that, continue to the Brahu temple, this temple is the tallest temple in East Java. Majapahit Empire is a Hindu kingdom, but Brahu using Buddhist architectural style.
Brahu Temple
[pullquote]saving habitually has been made since ancient times[/pullquote]Continue my journey to the Pusat Informasi Majapahit (Majapahit Information Center) or museum. Many superb pottery from the ancient times on mirror display. And some ceramic from China, these explain Majapahit at that time had been doing trading with China. At the back of the museum you can see magnificently sculpture depict of the Hindu Gods. Fun fact: you can see piggy bank pottery at this museum, saving habitually has been made since ancient times. Of course, piggy bank are now much sweeter than piggy bank in ancient times.
Piggy bank at the museum (taken from Wikipedia)
Just across the main street in front of the museum, you’ll see Segaran Pond (Kolam Segaran). A large pool with size 800 x 500 meters. The brick structure originated from 14-15th century. The actual function of the pool is unknown, but now is functioned by local as fishing pond and recreational. Old folks said this pool functioned as recreational of the royal guest. To show how rich and wealth the kingdom, they eat using gold and silver tools, after finish the banquette they throw the meal tools to the pond. But not found any gold or silver inside pond. Maybe after the guest is leaving the pond, they collecting the tools and reuse for the next guest 🙂
Kolam Segaran (Segaran Pond)
Before continuing the journey, take local culinary for lunch near pond. ‘Sambal Wader’ was of my favorite meal while I’m visiting this area. Little fish fried and crispy with chilli sauce made from shrimp paste. If you spicy addict you’ll instantly love this food.
Sambel Wader
Take I little break before heading to Bajang Ratu. Built from the mid-14th century, according to the historian this building dedicated to King Jayanegara during his death.
Bajang Ratu
From the Bajang Ratu head to Candi Tikus or Tikus Temple, tikus means ‘rat’, the name given to the discovery, during the excavation this site to be a rat-breeding enclosure. This place as a bathing pool for royal family. At the middle of the pool you can see Mount Mahameru model. Hindu belief this mount as a holy mount.
Candi Tikus/Rat Temple
Now heading to the last destination, Wringin Lawang, this building suggested as the entrance gate to the capital city of the Majapahit era. This site located little bit far from the other sites.
Wringin Lawang
- From Surabaya you can take bus direction to Yogyakarta and stop at the Trowulan intersection. Take a walk and head the museum (1.5 hours ride).
- From Yogyakarta take bus direction to the Surabaya and stop at the Trowulan intersection. Take a walk and head the museum (6 hours ride).
There is no public transportation to getting around the site. No bike or motor rental. You can go to the Trowulan terminal and rent an Angkot plus the driver for whole journey and pay around 8-10 dollar. Or you can walk and hitch hike from site to site, since one site to another not quite far.
Admission fee for the museum is 5.000 IDR (foreigner) and no fix admission fee to the other sites, you can fill the guestbook and give some donation for site conservation. During your tour I suggest you to bring water, since the weather is very hot and humid.
Aaahhhh…. si Sambel Wader ituu…. >_< pengen *_* di daerah jakarta dan sekitarnya nemu dimana yaa.. ^^
kangen mengjawa timur jadinya, dulu jaman kuliah kemana aje ye aye :9
Haha klo gue buka warung sambel wader di jakarta laris manis kali yakk
Candi apa ini bro…?ndak ngerti neh bhs inggris.
ini bekas sisa sisa kerajaan majapahit di Trowulan Mojokerto mas…
itu yang candi tikus ada tikusnya ga om 😀
Dulu waktu pertama kali ditemukan banyak tikusnya, makanya dinamakan candi tikus
seriusan gara2 banyak tikusnya waktu ditemuin? kok rada2 konyol ya asal usul namanya… 😆
setau gue menamakan candi atau sesuatu yang ditemukan adalah apakah ada prasasti yang tertulis yang menyebutkan tempat tersebut ataupun dugaan ataupun cerita rakyat tentang tempat tersebut ataupun etimologi rakyat *jiaahh sok ilmiah gue haha* nah yang ini pas ditemukan gak ada prasasti ato apapun yang menyebutkan tempat ini, jadi karena banyak tikusnya waktu itu ya dinamakan candi tikus gitu…
lid, gue mau nasi sama sambelnya itu
sini gue lemparr hahha
makan makanan sambel wader di sana enak kayaknya,
nikmat banget bang pokoknya…
Wew… Piggy banknya kok buntet banget ya.
Mau komen ttg foto meloncat di atas. Terus terang saya belum pernah berhasil foto melompat hahahaa….
hahaha kenalkan nih saya sudah lulus dalam foto perloncatan tingkat kecamatan hahaha…
itulah jaman dulu piggy banknya serem serem hehe, klo sekarang kan manis-manis…
Hahahaa…. gw akui lo jagonya foto loncat!
Waw, bagus banget mas. Jadi pengin dolan neh 😀
monggo ditunggu kunjungan wisatanya 🙂
Wow! I had no idea this existed… I only heard of Borobudur & Prambanan… I have not see both 🙂
hahaha no you know it 🙂
Borobudur and Prambanan the inscribed one and known internationally, but many little ‘Candi/Temple’ in Java island.
ternyata indonesia juga bagus2 ya baru tahu aku
salam kenal
wow it’s so amazing, sambel wadernya nich yang bikin ngiler
Nah, Trowulan! Saya dulu waktu masih SMP pernah ke sana ama ayah saya. Masih kecil sih, jadi belom tahu fotografi.. kalo sekarang ke sana, bakalan jadi event photo hunting… 😀
yup sering dijadikan objek fotografi kok di sana, klo gak salah kemarin kemarin ada grup fotografi dari Jawapos gitu
satu setengah jam dari surabaya ya mas? boleh dicoba nih, saya blum pernah dengar sebelumnya
yup, klo mau naik bis yang kalau naik serasa naik roller coaster bisa cuma sejam kok hahaha…
mesti sumber kencono
hahaha tau aja 😀
jujur pegen ke trowulan lagi.. merencanakan bulan dpan 😀
hahaha kontak saya klo mau kesana, siapa tau klo gak ada waktu luang kita bisa jalan bareng ^_^
beres om… 😀
halo kakak!
salam ganteng ibu kota!!!
halo kakak! Borobudur and Prambanan the inscribed one and known internationally, but many little ‘Candi/Temple’ in Java island.
yup 🙂
di Jawa memang banyak candi2 hehehe,,, contoh di Panataran Blitar juga tidak kalah menakjubkan. thx dah mampir
Hello there I liked your great article on Trowulan. Thank you for helping out, good info.
wahh.. siap ada hand drawn map lagi. hehehe. so cute!
gw akui lo jagonya foto loncat! satu setengah jam dari surabaya ya mas?
WAAAHHHH aku durung tau ning Trowulan je. Sungguh memalukan *tutup muka pake tiket ke Eropa*
*lempar tiket ke neraka*
weh…uruki bahasa inggris mas..hahaha 😀
tapi iku foto seng nang kolam segaran kok arek cilik? pas jaman smean cilik ta? 😀